Possible Obstacles

Auger SystemWe are not all fortunate enough to have acres and acres of flat, stable ground on which to build our fences. Sometimes we have to work around a few obstacles – This small list may help you:

Are There Any Steep Slopes?
• Because of its minimal vertical movement, rail is not well suited to uneven terrain. Use a fence constructed of Horsecote®/Hotcote® (coated wire) over more difficult, undulating terrain.

• Cut the rail and use two flat “Attachment” Buckles to change angle at the post at a major dip or rise.

Are There Any Gullies Or Ravines?
• You could extend the fence over a small gully and later build a fill-in under section.

• Stop and start on either side of a large ravine and use Horsecote®/Hotcote® to fill in the section in between.

Is Your Ground Unstable?
Any areas of the property that may be unsuitable should be fenced off for possible tree planting. Such areas include very wet, stony or unstable land including very steep areas that may end up close to the fence or gateway.